Biblical Seasons

Client: Workshop | Class | Assembly
Date Completed: Continuous
Scope: The 8 seasons of Yah
Timeframe: Flexible

Objective and Overview

Have you heard the common cliche’ amongst believers; “This is your season!”? What about the phrase; “It’s only just a season, hang-on in there.”? Yet, inside you wonder how much longer is this season gonna last and what do I have to do to get into my next one.

When the Most High placed the stars and moon in the sky, he said he wanted them to be markers for us to know when a season will change ( Gen 1:14). Today in the 21st century we miss these transitions, causing us to move further and further away from divine timing.

The biblical season course will eliminate the ambiguity of knowing what and when you should move, ensuring that you will be in step with Father’s will. Journey into the principles the Most High has already designed to escort us through life.

Over the last 20 years, the revelation of his calendar and timing has continued to increase. I have learned, if we are not sensitive to the markers the Most High has given us, we could be stuck in a continuous cycle of lack without knowing how to get out of it.

Train yourself and empower your community with the ancient wisdom that placed Isaac in the right place, at the right time, doing what he was supposed to be doing...So much so, that when he sowed he reaped a 100% return (Gen 26:12)

What you will learn:


 Biblical Seasons